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regional singing WORKSHOps for girls

The Akin Program offers music education to girls aged 10-18 in targeted rural communities. We want every girl who puts her hand up saying I want to learn to use my voice to have that opportunity. 

The Akin programs for girls aged 10–18 builds musicianship and musical literacy. Singing, songwriting and instrument workshops empower girls in their relationship to music. They learn to create, re-imagine, and shape it for themselves.


These tours have been running in regional NSW for seven years and we have seen the impact as the girls build skills and create ongoing music engagement, cultivating musicians and audiences of the future.

HOW it works

Three leading Toy Choir members accompany a local teaching artist to facilitate the workshops.  Over the course of the workshop, each girl participating will have learned how to create a story, structure it, and write it as a song. An audio-visual artist will be on site to capture the girls’ creations and together, they will create an accompanying video clip.


The members of the House create a safe environment that supports the vulnerability of the creative process. In addition to direction and assistance from the educators, peer based learning is key in honing and supporting the girls’ talents.

in 2023 we visitED:


INTERESTED in bringing akin to your community?

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This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through CREATE NSW and the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.

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The House that Dan Built is assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.


The House that Dan Built is supported by the NSW Government through CreateNSW.

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